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Brian Blessed and I

Posted on 05/05/2004 at 22:45:31 by MakTheYak
Guess what? I met Brian Blessed! How cool is that?
Here's this week's pirate strip.
What do you think of the pirates strip? I want to know! Do you like it more or less than Bob, or do you think they're both rubbish? Let me know in the forum!
I've got a few cool links for you lot to enjoy... first of all, check out The Fray. If you haven't seen it before, it's a great webcomic, regularly updated and very funny and cool. you never know what will happen next, and the artwork is fresh and original. Next up, Pac-Manhattan! It's a bit crazy - these guys running round Manhattan dressed as Pac-Man and the ghosts, acting out a real life, full sized game of Pac-Man. And finally, do you remember the good old days? The days when computers were confined to 16 colours and games were good? Here's a video, animated by Rob Manuel of B3ta fame all about those fantastic machines!
OK that's it, I'm tired....


Not much new around here

Posted on 29/04/2004 at 22:00:38 by MakTheYak
Apart from the new Pyrates strip!
Remember I mentioned Making Fiends a couple of newsletters ago? Well episode 8 is out! Go check it out. That's an order. Also check out this guy who sold his ex's wedding dress on Ebay. It's very funny!
Got anything to say to me or the world as a whole? Come say it in the forum! And lastly, if you like this comic don't forget to vote!! Ciao...


Happy Birthday to You

Posted on 21/04/2004 at 09:32:52 by MakTheYak
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Roz... Happy Birthday to you! It's Roz's birthday today folks, so wish her a happy one!
Click for Pirates!
What's new on the web? I'll tell you! It's a little late and all but this man has realised my dream! I want it! Also, what do you get if you cross two crazy Swedish blokes, a guitar and an electric whisk? The theme to Pulp Fiction of course!
Geez, what else can I tell you? Not a lot, it's been a pretty slow week. Oh yeah! Don't forget to vote with those pretty blue and orange buttons up the top, and stop by the forum and talk it up a bit!
Until next time...


Too much chocolate

Posted on 15/04/2004 at 09:38:30 by MakTheYak
Is a phrase you'll never hear me utter! Hope you all had a fab Easter and got bloated on choc - I know I did!
Have some pirates.
A big hello and thank you goes out to B3ta and all the b3tans who came along to see Sneezin' Steven, my latest Flash outing. I got a mention in issue 130 of the B3ta newsletter which explains rather well the extremely elevated hit count! Woo yay to all of you!
Well I've got a few choice links for you today. Now I love cats, don't get me wrong, but this is hilarious! And while we're on the subject of crazy animals, you've got to see this to believe it! Amazing...
Got my Pokémon Colosseum through the post - great service from Video Games Plus. The game is great, although I haven't had much of a chance to play it yet... That's all to come though.
I've been thinking a lot about changing the way the site looks and so if you come along and it looks all different don't worry! Hopefully it will be a change for the better.
And to wind up, I am currently into "The Rasmus - In the Shadows" and "Anastacia - Left Outside Alone". Could you want for anything more off topic? I thought not.


A word to the wise

Posted on 07/04/2004 at 07:53:23 by MakTheYak
In case anyone was considering importing any games to the UK (yeah, long shot I know) do not (I repeat (DO NOT) use GameStop. While their customer service and everything is great, and they have super fast shipping etc (so they are good for all of you living in the states), they are an importers nightmare. Because they refuse to use anything other than UPS. Anyone who has had something shippied via UPS before will probably know that they like to rip you off by charging you £10 to collect any import taxes. Effectively doubling the cost of the game you are buying. And so I recommend Video Games Plus for all your US games importing needs. They are really cheap and the postage is incredibly reasonable.
And now for the reason you probably came here.
And in case you were wondering, the game I bought was Pokémon Colosseum with a free bonus disk that gives me one of the rare "uncatchable in the game" pokémon. So there! :D

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