Brian Blessed!
I met Brian Blessed today (1/5/2004) and I thought I'd share my experience for all you lovely folks on the interweb... (click on any image for a large version).Walking along the stalls at CollectorMania, in Milton Keynes, who did I spot but the legendary Brian Blessed! What an opportunity! The big cheesy grin on the notice above his stall gave him away.

As a loyal b3tan, I felt it my duty to go and meet the man in person. I paid my fee willingly, and the choice of which photo I should sign arose. I think the choice is obvious.

Queuing is tense. Brian sure can talk a lot! Afterwards, I heard that he actually only managed to sign 30 photos in the first hour and a half!

Here is Brian with the folks in front of us in the queue. Further back, we heard a very strange noise and were told by a friend working at the show that it was in fact Brian singing and he'd been doing it all morning! I was very disappointed he didn't give us a tune.

Here it is - Brian is signing our photo. The genuine article!

He writes a lot.

A photo just to prove I was there!

This is my favourite - me and Roz, my girlfriend, and Brian looking ever so pleased!

One for luck on the way out.

And here it is! The finished article! What a guy, and guess what? He loves everyone at B3ta! Now that's special.