News Archives
It's just the little things
Posted on 20/06/2003 at 00:14:21 by MakTheYakI've been hard at work. As you may notice, there is now a counter to your upper right. What I'm particularly proud of about my site is that everything you see here is coded by me in the wonderful program called Notepad. I haven't visited any code sites to rip off a few functions, I've got the book and copied them all manually out of there... hehe just kidding. I wrote it.
And here's something else:
If you want to link to me please feel free using this banner. It's in flash, and so you'll need the surrounding code, which you will find on the "Links" section (yeah that's something I'll do tomorrow, amongst other things).
Well it's early but I'd better get to bed ready for another fun day of work. No I mean it, work really is still fun! :)

Potter is back!
Posted on 17/06/2003 at 20:45:06 by MakTheYakWow. Only 4 days to go till the most anticipated installment of the Harry Potter series arrives. Of course I have my copy reserved at several bookshops (what I don't read or give away to friends and family can be easily sold on EBay! I'm trying very hard to read the Goblet of Fire again before it comes out to refresh my memory of what happened, although it's going to be a tough task as I'm not very far into it and totally bogged down with work.
Which is a shame.
Because there are some other great things coming out pretty soon: Wario World on GameCube and the Gameboy Player. I have a litle problem with the latter, however. Call me fussy (I know you will) but why should I put up with a black Gameboy Player unit, completely not matching my Gamecube (purple) when if I was in Japan I could have had my pick from a whole range of lovely colours to complement my 'cube. That's right folks, Nintendo are only releasing the black GBP in the UK and USA, so big frowns all round to Nintendo >:o(
This is actually a bit of a landmark, however: The GBP is coming out in the USA 3 whole days later than in the UK. Finally! Europe comes first. I never thought I'd see the day!
Harry Potter Cover Picture

Bob's Your Uncle gets its first installment!
Posted on 09/06/2003 at 21:40:30 by MakTheYakWOW! I finally finished it! It's live, and looking great (IMHO). Bob's Your Uncle has officially kicked off... let's hope it goes somewhere... somewhere warm and sunny with coconuts and tropical music.
Got up way too early this morning, to see Roz off to Scotland for a couple of days. The consequence? Well, for some reason I have been very awake and felt like I've got loads done today. Maybe I should consider sleep deprivation as a productivity tool? Maybe it's because I'm so tired I'm rambling so much...
Hey has anyone tried this new "FightBox" thing the BBC are putting on? Maybe it's just that I designed a useless charater, maybe my computer is starting to show it's age, maybe, just maybe I am just too lame at this game. But honestly are the controls just as sluggish as hell? And either there is too much collision detection (see Gauntlet) or too little (see Arena). Needless to say I wasn't too impressed, and I shan't be consigning my hands to bandages in aid of this "game".
Rant over, time for a few more minutes on the Wind Waker before I collapse.... zzzz...
Fightbox Picture

The Matrix Half-Loaded...
Posted on 01/06/2003 at 20:16:23 by MakTheYakSo I saw the Matrix the other day. That's nice, I thought, except where's the end? I think this is why it's received so much negative feedback. It's a great film, but unlike the first installment there is no real end. I admit the end was dicey in the first but without excpecting a sequel it was quite adequate. This time it's not really fit to be called a film in its own right (don't worry, I feel the same about LOTR II. The first had some sort of an ending... but the second?). Instead of rambling on here about it, I ought to fill in the time between now and November by drawing some cartoons!
However, I shall not be doing what a lot of webcomics like to do and do a Matrix comic. Why? Because it's a little out of date. Oh well. I really ought to update more often :/
Apologies, I'll try harder :D
The Maktrix

At long last...
Posted on 17/05/2003 at 00:41:24 by MakTheYak...He returns. Well since my last news update, I've been a busy busy man. I have now got a job which doesn't invovle serving popcorn (I'm designing Flash games!) and have moved flats (a big job for someone with the amount of junk I have).
Of course various other important things have happened in this time too... like the release of the GameBoy Advance SP along with a slew of amazing, not to mention highly addictive games. Dare I mention.... The Wind Waker? Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire? Golden Sun 2? And I still haven't finished Metroid Prime or Starfox Adventures or Mario Sunshine. Will lifes trials never end? Am I destined to play GameCube forever? Well actually that doesn't sound all that bad...
Anyway, back to the point. There are a few new strips up and now that I am settled in my new place, they will be coming out a bit more regularly. I am experimenting with different techniques of finishing as well so if you see a style that you like, tell me!
Bob's Your Uncle. It will be started, honest. I am looking forward to getting this underway. I think it could be really good, and if I'm forced to whittle my comics down to one strip it could be a contender, purely on the storyline I have spinning constantly round my head! It has potential, I'm sure of it!
Well, that's it. I'm too tired and I'm going to bed. I'll be back soon, honest...........