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Slack all the way
Posted on 19/07/2003 at 17:48:57 by MakTheYakSorry (*grovel*). I know I'm lagging behind. Things just keep happening on the weekend, you know? How inconvenient!
Going to see The Hulk on Monday... tickets booked and all. Can't wait! Otherwise, things are pretty busy at work. Loads of focus groups and stuff. Never a dull moment (or a free moment!). Expect a new comic and a fresh update soon (fingers crossed...)

Argh! The pressure is killing me!
Posted on 08/07/2003 at 23:31:42 by MakTheYakHave you ever had conflicting interests? For instance, sleep and drawing cartoons? And consequently not sleeping and not dying at work. Man, and let me tell you the pressure is piling on at work - we are going live with our website pretty soon and so everything needs to be just pukka in time for that. There's just so much to do!
Surprising really that I manage to get 2 strips up this week! But Mak is a lot easier to do than Bob. Simple backgrounds etc. Anyway, time to sleep. Bed sweet bed... zzzz...

The Hulk
Posted on 05/07/2003 at 19:31:05 by MakTheYakWhy, oh why is the Hulk not out over here in the UK yet? I thought they had this all sorted. Release big films at the same time across the world and avoid a lot of the rampant piracy aimed at the poor punters who can't even go to the cinema to see it.
I think a lot of the people who see a shify looking bloke with a suitcase full of pirated DVDs and think "Oooh that's not out yet, I'll get that and see it before everyone else" would actually prefer to go and see it in the cinema. It's worth the money for the quality, it really is.
Anyway, enough about that, I'm just bitter cos I haven't seen it yet. I've finally finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and that means that I can get back to my badly neglected website. Despite being a major drain on time, it is an amazing book. I recommend it to anyone who is a fan (although they will have also probably finished it by now) and anyone who hasn't tried reading the books, start from the beginning. You'll love 'em.
Click for picture!

Bob's WHO's Uncle? (and where is he anyway?)
Posted on 25/06/2003 at 01:13:15 by MakTheYakNext comic up. OK you might be wondering where Bob is and whose Uncle he is. Well you can keep on wondering! Hehe, just kidding. it's all coming up. At the moment we're in like the pilot episode. All the current main characters are being introduced and a loose storyline for the strip will develop, to maintain some sort of continuity. Once that's all sorted out I can start thinking about sub-plots etc.
Man I'm tired. I shohuldn't make such rash promises as "comic tomorrow". Heh. Over and out for today...

What? Do you think I'm crazy??
Posted on 23/06/2003 at 22:23:09 by MakTheYakNo don't answer that. OK apologies for not updating for a while. Not that I've made any wild claims that I will be updating twice daily or anything, but that's besides the point. Several amazing things have happened. Or more to the point, they have been bought. By me.
First of all, Harry Potter! Yeah, I queued up at midnight and bought my stack of copies :) So if I'm still a bit slow to update ofer the next week or two then you know why. I'll be reading Harry Potter, and playing on my new....
GameBoy Player for the Gamecube! Yeah, I can now play "all my favourite games" on my telly, as Nintendo say. What, so games that I hate won't work? Whatever. Anyway, this is very cool because it means I don't have to squint when playing Golden Sun 2 and all the rest (Metroid, Pokémon etc).
Finally, my very exciting purchase... A new mobile phone from 3! It has 3G. It has video calls. It has downloadable movie trailers. It has Java games. It has polyphonic ringtunes. It has a nice large screen! What doesn't it have? To be honest, I was a bit upset that it didn't come bundled with Half Life 2, but we can't have everything can we? Check out my amazing piece of gadgetry HERE!
So on the comic front, I have at least worked out what it's going to look like and say, even if I haven't started drawing it yet... don't change that channel folks! I'll try and get it up by tomorrow night.
Oh yeah, and this little sketch went on the bottom of a note to a mate... bragging about my phone of course! Just to prove I can draw as well as using a computer ;)
Little Sketch