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GBA Skin in the works...

Posted on 10/08/2003 at 22:21:24 by MakTheYak
Well I finished it. And I'm chuffed with it! Go and check out my Bob's Your Uncle GBA SP skin in the Goodies section. It's not up for sale yet (I'm waiting for the order to be processed so I can buy a copy myself!) but when it does I'll update the link and post a better pic with it actually on an SP. Nice eh?
I'm working on a system so that you can register and not only will you get a nice welcome when you log on to the page but you can opt in to receive an email when the site is updated, in the form of any one of the comics or the news (each seperately selectable). I'll let you know when it's done!
Oh yeah.... don't forget to visit the forum! On a completely separate note I shaved this weekend to give myself a goatee, but it looked so bad I shaved it off again. Oh well.


Forums go live!

Posted on 03/08/2003 at 19:11:23 by MakTheYak
Well in addition to this weeks comics we have a new addition to the Yak Shack repertoire... a forum! Now you can go to the forum and have a chat about what you like or a shout about what you hate.
Don't know if any of you Brits reading this saw the live Robbie Williams concert on channel 4 last night? Or maybe you were even lucky enough to go along... Well I have to say that man puts on an amazing show. I just wish I could have been there, but as tickets are as hard to come by as golfball sized gold lumps in your back garden that was less than likely. The amount of people there... it was mind blowing. Trouble was I felt sorry for anyone but the people in the front section because there was no way they could ever have seen anything apart from what was on the big screen. Which was exactly what I was seeing on the TV. I know that there's the atmosphere and everything but I wouldn't like to pay like £50 or whatever it is to go and watch TV with a bunch of strangers. Am I too cynical? Go sound off on the forum if you think so!
Exciting stuff... it's coming up to Roz and my 5 year anniversary - 5 years since we started going out. :D We're getting each other some really nice pairs of inline skates so we can go and tear up Hyde Park on the weekends (and so maybe I can get to work quicker and hence get a bit of a lie-in!).
Well that's me done. There's a poll on the forums on what you, the reader, think I should do with my comics. It's a play-off between quality and frequency of updating. You let me know!
Robbie at Knebworth


Slug Fest...

Posted on 29/07/2003 at 22:51:16 by MakTheYak
Well I've done my first ever guest strip for Tim, author of the fabulous Bug and Slug! Tim hurt his hand and couldn't update for a while and so I thought I'd lend a hand and Tim has very kindly given me the best write-up ever! For the archived version, click here.
Bug and Slug Picture


Juicy Fruits (just because no better title sprang to mind immediately)

Posted on 27/07/2003 at 22:37:22 by MakTheYak
New comic uploaded. As it says it was supposed to be a 2-parter but this took me most of the afternoon/evening and so there was no way I could draw 2 lots of that! Just remember that next weeks will be like a continuation, although I'll make it as stand-alone as possible (if you see what I mean).
I found a new place! Hooray! My contract finished at the end of August and so I went with Roz and found a nice little flat for me to live in. It's amazing. It has a lounge/bedroom/entertainment room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a utility room (with a washing machine)... all mine! No sharing with random people who I don't know. Aaah. Bliss. can't wait to move in and stretch my legs.
Check out the porcupine strip at White Ninja Comics. It's hilarious.
Was gonna see Sinbad this weekend but somehow never got round to it. Maybe next weekend eh? I guess that's what you get for playing too much Pokémon... hehe...
PS. Happy Birthday Ed!!!! Hope you have a great day...


Goodies up for grabs!

Posted on 23/07/2003 at 22:59:10 by MakTheYak
It's here! The Goodies page is up and has stuff on, including Yak themed backgrounds for the NEC e606 phone and a quirky little (monochrome) Space Invaders style game designed at work as a game that people can play while they are waiting for a larger Flash movie to load. That's all folks, work really busy at the moment. Hopefully a new strip will appear at the weekend!
Over and out...
Space Invaders pic

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