News Archives
Shameless begging
Posted on 02/09/2003 at 09:29:17 by MakTheYakRight. time for some shamless boot-licking. The totals at Top Web Comics have been reset and so seeing as how I did so well last month to get to about #236 in less than 2 weeks (from the bottom - about 1000) with your help I should be able to break the top 150 this month! Please VOTE NOW!!.
I know this isn't the best way to get votes (having a filler strip up) but don't worry, as soon as I have finished moving and getting all my stuff sorted out we will return to your normal programming schedule...

Busy busy busy
Posted on 01/09/2003 at 15:02:46 by MakTheYakBeen really busy this weekend what with parties, old scholl reunions and generally needing to be two places at the same time.
As you can see I haven't managed to sort out my new place enough to actually plug the computer in so while I was down at Roz's parent's place, I quickly sketched another Slack The Yak cartoon and I'll have to try and get a BYU in sometime soon.
Ordered F-Zero GX and man when will it get here??? How much do I wanna play that game? The postmen just can't work fast enough at times like these. Bought John Soul Calibur 2 for helping me to move my junk and I'm kinda looking forward to playing that too!!
SKIN NEWS! The Bob's Your Uncle GBA SP skin is almost ready! I have ordered a few to check they are looking as good as I hoped. Then, once the quality check is complete, I'll post a link to where you can buy one and you too can have Josh, Joe and Bob grace the outer casing of your GBA SP.
Over and out...

Title goes here...
Posted on 24/08/2003 at 09:27:25 by MakTheYakWHEW! Well I just got back from helping Roz with some of her field work, which mainly involved getting wet and muddy traipsing around salt marshes and mud flats. Three days worth! Well at least I got a bit of a tan!
Don't forget to keep voting every day if you can, I'm gonna make it onto that top 150... and who knows how much further! (please vote!)
Moving house this week. Should be fun... John (a mate from work) is gonna help me move all my junk. So much junk... wish I could get rid of some of it but it's all pretty cool junk, so no. I won't. It's all getting piled into the new place! So many things to think about, water, gas electricity all of that... never had to think about that before... ah well, should be good. Anyways, I've gotta get off to a BBQ.
Watch out for next weeks installment....

Top Web Comics Are GO!
Posted on 19/08/2003 at 08:12:04 by MakTheYakSee that pretty little button up top that never used to be there? Click it! Please! Do it now! Do it every day and be my best friend! I have signed up at the Top 150 Web Comics site and so I need your votes to get me into the top 150... please?
I knew I could count on you. If you like the strip, just vote! It only takes a few seconds... and by the way, you are voting for "Bob's Your Uncle", not the whole site. Just the way things work....
Oh yeah and while you're there, check out some of the other comics, there are lots of gems. Especially the ones on my links page if you haven't checked them out already...

Bob's Grand Arrival!
Posted on 17/08/2003 at 22:04:59 by MakTheYakHere he is... finally... Bob of Bob's Your Uncle. Wondering where he was? Wonder no longer. It's taken some time but I hope it was worth it...!
Well my news this week goes something like this... I was thinking of getting a cheap DVD player and saw some likely contenders at Richer Sounds but then I just figured that I may as well get a PS2 as the DVD playback is supposed to be equal to that of a stand alone player worth about £300 and at a mere £170 it was a steal. Not to mention the fact that with that DVD player came a free Eye Toy Play pack and Vice City. And who could pass up Kingdom Hearts at an ex-rental steal?
All in all I'm pretty kitted out... and dead pleased with my new PS2!! Probably will sign up with Top Web Comics this week but I'll post a separate news article so you can vote! (Please vote ;D)
Until next time... I shall be playing my PS2 should anyone need me...!
PS2 Picture