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My days seem to keep getting busier!
Posted on 23/09/2003 at 09:00:51 by MakTheYakIt's a sad thing but I just don't think I'll ever get to sit down and enjoy a quiet evening watching a DVD, playing some games, maybe drawing a bit of a comic and then going to bed. There is always something to do, it would seem. Whether it's tidying or laundry or the washing up, there's always something nagging to be done.
So apologies for the lateness of this strip. I'm going to try and do the strip over the course of the week now to give myself a bit of a break on Sunday! Then hopefully it will always be on time...
I can't remember if I said it or not, but for those of you who are loyally trying to vote and not getting anywhere, first of all thank you! Second, it turns out that Top Web Comics is temporarily down and so no voting for the time being. You can be sure that I will post a news bulletin when it's up and running again though!
Oh and just as a little explanation for the picture, Roz and I went the other day with John and Sarah (John, a mate from work and Sarah his other half) to see Underworld and frankly I thought it rocked!
Underworld Picture

Finally, another comic
Posted on 14/09/2003 at 13:14:06 by MakTheYakWell here's the comic. Unfortunately I had to do it at a funny angle because.. well it's a long story all about computers and them breaking and then still not being up and running due to the indescribably amount of time it takes to backup and restore all your data from an old operating system to a new one on the same disk.
All that aside now, I'm back and only went one week without a new comic of any sort. Sorry about that. I'll give this graphics tablet lark another go next week (this time hopefully at a desk and not twisted round to look at a monitor in the corner and the tablet on my knee). I have a feeling once I'm used to it and if I think the quality is up to scratch that the whole process will become a lot quicker...
Any interesting news or revelations and of course I'll post them, but if not I'll be back next week as usual. Until then.... :D

Drawing methods
Posted on 10/09/2003 at 16:21:32 by MakTheYakWell as some of you may know it currently takes AGES to draw a BYU strip (about 4-5 hours). So today at work I was less than occupied and so I did a quick sketch of Josh (see right). I used a Wacom Graphire2 graphics tablet and just drew directly into flash. The great thing is that although I'm just drawing straight into the PC it's just the same strokes as if I were to do it on paper first.
So what I need to know is: What do you think of this drawing? Is it BYU quality? Is it better/worse than the normal quality? If it's the same or better then I would save a hell of a lot of time drawing the same thing about 20 times to convert it from the paper version etc. and maybe I'd be able to update more than once a week... which I'd really like to do! Mail me and let me know!!
Picture of Josh made in Flash

No update :(
Posted on 08/09/2003 at 08:53:43 by MakTheYakI'm a bad boy. I didn't update the comic this week. Sorry about that...
It's all quite complicated. Basically Roz got shafted by the people providing her accomodation, and so she had to move all of her stuff out 2 weeks early into some other temporary accomodation. So basically that's what I've been doing all weekend.
Oh yeah. And my computer broke. And that's not some lame excuse, it actually did! I moved and tried to switch the little sucker on and it wouldn't, so I figured it was the power supply seeing as how it was making all these weird clicks and stuff. So I go to buy a new power supply and get conned (didn't take much) into buying a new case as well with all the lights and clear side and stuff. Turns out it wasn't all that much more than just the PSU!
Anyway, I get that home and fish all my junk out from one case into the other, and the power supply is fixed now, but sadly it would seem the motherboard/processor has bitten the dust somehow. What, was I supposed to earth myself first? I don't know but whatever happened, I'm stuck without a PC until the next computer fair. I'll try and install flash on Roz's machine and make another strip VERY soon though, promise!
Again, sorry for no update....