News Archives
My hopes are not dashed!!
Posted on 17/11/2003 at 12:20:19 by MakTheYakGuess who got Mario Kart: Double Dash? That's right, ME! And it's everything anyone could hope for. Smooth slick graphics and that infectious gameplay that is associated with the Mario Kart games... and what's more it's got LAN support. John and I both got a copy and we're both getting the broadband adaptors on Friday (when the store gets them in) and so I'll be able to report in on those then and tell you all about it :D
Also with this fine game I got the limited edition Zelda game pack with Zelda 1&2 for the NES and the two from the N64, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. This is an amazing pack, but I'm actually a little annoyed that I made such a fuss over trying to get the OOT disc free with the Wind Waker now. Oh well never mind. And for any of you not familiar with or a fan of the Zelda series, I apologise. I, however, am a big fan and proud of it!.
I've been helping John with his website a bit and so soon when I mention his name it will be linked up and you'll be able to visit his fine comic too! It's shaping up nicely. Talking of art, another collegue and friend of mine, Sushant drew a top piccy of me the other day, and when I've scanned and uploaded it you should be able to see it to the side and click on it to get a larger version! Nice.
Well Christmas is approaching way too fast and I'm going crazy thinking about Christmas presents and what to buy for who. If anyone has any good ideas on what to buy other people for christmas, then come and talk about it (or anything else for that matter) in the forum.
Oh a quick note, Top Web Comics seems to be down at the moment, which is a shame, but not to worry you can still VOTE for me on Buzz!
Update (17/11/03): Roz managed to get the Two Towers Extended Edition a day early so guess what we're doing tonight? We've already seen the first few minutes or so and it's great to see all the stuff they cut out. Loads of Gollum stuff, and it's all amazing! Woohoo!
Sketch by Sushant

NTHell it is then
Posted on 09/11/2003 at 20:46:33 by MakTheYakI can't believe it! I finally have my internet connection back up and running! I've been without it all weekend. NTL have to be the worst company in the history of the world. Ever. Apart from 3 who are also utter rubbish. Actually 3 have not even replied to my letter yet which I wrote out of sheer annoyance of the uselessness of their service. At least NTL have done that but I'm still steamed at my weekend of internet outage.
Aside from all that I actually got my toon done. Cop out or not, I used the toon that I submitted to the Young Cartoonist of the Year Award run by the Cartoon Arts Trust and coloured it in. Check out the cartoon I submitted by clicking here.
Sorry for leaving it for slightly longer than a week before updating. Originally I had planned to do the halloween strip as an extra, but time, as always, took me aside and gave me a stern talking to and said that I would have to use it as that weeks update. So I was told. And that was that.
I have been busy though. If you check in the "About" section you will see a cartoonised version of me and Roz instead of the photo which is quite old and slightly inaccurate as I have put on a bit of weight since then. :/ Also I have slready started on next weeks toon. I'm going to try and build up a few (at least one) spare cartoons so that if one week for wahtever reason I can't draw a new strip there will always be an update available! Now don't say I never do anything for you guys! ;)

Happy Halloween!
Posted on 31/10/2003 at 09:35:35 by MakTheYakWell it's been a while - didn't get enough time to do a blog last week, although I did manage to stick a comic up didn't I? Unlike other webcomics who will blog to their hearts content whilst constantly apologising for lack of strips... a refreshing change don't you think?
Check out the goodies section for a retro-tastic blast outing with Mak in "Mak To The Future", our first wallpaper here at TheYakShack! I hope you like it, it comes in many different flavours, size wise all for your convenience. Now you can't say we never did anything for you can you?
Just been out to dinner with the crew at work which was fun. Stuffed myself silly and probably won't need to eat for 3 days. Although still I can't beat my friend Lucian who is currently touring the world and has recently had a cooking class in Thailand where he learned to cook 6 different dishes in the space of a few hours... and ate them all. The pig! Apparently that feat hasn't been done in 10 years. What I want to know is: howcome he doesn't put on any weight???
Of course I will endevour to put a strip up as usual on Sunday evening (this one was a bonus!). Until then, may your evenings be spooky! Woooooooo!
Oh yeah, and don't forget to vote DAILY! (Banners at the top). It's what keeps me going!
Mak To The Future preview pic

The Boys From the Dwarf!
Posted on 20/10/2003 at 11:23:19 by MakTheYakWell where to start? How about with me telling you about how Roz and I met Chris Barrie and Norman Lovette from Red Dwarf (Rimmer and Holly from series 1+2) and got their autographs over the weekend? Not to mention Billy Boyd (Pippin from Lord of the Rings) and Craig Parker (Haldir). Not bad for a days work!
Haven't managed to see Kill Bill yet, but I hear it's very good from most people who have seen it. I'll have to try and get around to that sometime soon. Or maybe I'll just wait until the second half comes out in February. After all it's not too long to wait and I'll get to see it all in one go! Or maybe that's just stupid...
Started playing Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, which is actually quite addictive although not as compelling as a proper RPG as there is virtually no storyline (that I have come across so far, anyway). Would recommend trying it out in the shops before shelling out for it.
I've written off to 3 because their service is driving me nuts. I have so much trouble even making a call it's just useless. I may have been excited previously but seriously, I have had nothing but trouble and a few months using the NEC e606 has just made me realise what a clunky, useless, badly designed phone it is. Take my advice: if you like 3's tariffs but aren't too fussed about video phoning, go with Orange and get them to match the tariff. Lovely Jubbly!
Well that's all from me, I'm fried. Check out the autograph to the right at a higher definition and in the correct aspect ratio by clicking on it. Incidentally, you can do that with all the news pictures, although not all of them have a full sized version behind them :)
Over and out...
PS. Click here!!
UPDATE! The Top Web Comics Board is back up, so please keep me afloat on that one too by voting there too!!! Thanks guys I know I can count on you!
Chris Barrie Autograph

8 Panels of full technicolour glory!
Posted on 09/10/2003 at 23:46:03 by MakTheYakSorry it's been so long folks, I know I've spent forever getting this strip together, but I hope it was worth it, as it's the first of the 8-panelers. Trust me this ain't gonna happen too often, as it's a real task. Man, you'd think it wouldn't take so long as 2 4 panel strips, but trust me it does....
I've been a very busy boy, no time to spare. That's my excuse anyway. What with the new car(did I mention that?), it's been very useful, even for simple things like trip to the supermarket, not to mention longer journeys. Very nice to be mobile...
I will try and be more regular with the strips but I can't promise anything as for the forseeable future life will be just as hectic as ever. And then there's Christmas... don't get me started on Christmas. Sarah sent me the most abominable program which tells you to the second how long you have until the day that everyone hates until it actually arrives... if only it would tell you how many shopping days left... maybe it does, I just didn't look hard enough!
I have decided that backdrops are cool and for my next trick I shall be trying to create some simple backdrop(s) as well as the usual strips. Should be fun!
In case you didn't notice, there is a shiny new vote button at the top of the screen. It works! Please use it! And what the heck, use the blue one too cos you never know when it will start working again...
Well that's about enough from me now, go tell all your friends about this site while I get some sleep...