News Archives
Posted on 18/12/2003 at 00:31:35 by MakTheYakIs all I have to say about Return of the King. Actually I have a lot more to say about it. It was brilliant. An excellent and long awaited conclusion to a masterpiece. Obviously I'm not going to say anything that might spoil it for those who have not seen it yet, but yet again, despite this being the longest in the series so far, it didn't feel like it was 3h20min at all.
In fact it was all over much too quickly, despite the numerous times that you think it's going to end but it goes on and is very pleasingly conclusive. For which I am grateful :)
Well it's been a late night so I'm gonna sign off... oh yeah, don't forget to check back on Sunday for the next comic!
Aragorn Picture

Berry Christbus
Posted on 09/12/2003 at 11:40:29 by MakTheYakNot feeling so good.... :( All heady and sore throat. Not good...
Nevertheless, there is a new comic up!! Woohoo! Only a little over 24 hours late, but who's counting anyway? You are? Well you can stop that now! You might be wondering why Slack is in greyscale. You might not, but I'm going to tell you anyway. It's just a continuity thing. Slack is always drawn in pencil and so while I want to make a nice looking strip I don't want to compromise continuity, and so as a compromise I thought I'd have him greyscale (as pencil would have looked weird and out of place).
Excited! I'm going to see the Fellowship of the Ring tonight. No, I'm not 2 years too late, it's the extended edition! In the cinema! Finally getting to see the film like it was meant to be seen - full length and in the cinema. Popcorn at the ready :)
You've got to check this out: It is a video of some guy (I presume it's a guy) playing Mario Bros 3 start to finish in 11 minutes! The thing that amazes me is his ability to stay airbourne by just bouncing off enemies constantly! And not only does he finish it, he has 99 lives by the end of it too! Amazing, it's got to be seen to be believed!
Also, check out Brian Maze's new comic, Freak Central. For those who don't know, Brian had a comic, Mouser, which you can still see in his archives, but he has just started on Freak Central, which is why at the time of writing there is only one strip... Still it looks funny, like it has a lot of potential, and the art is great! I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes...
Over and out...

Slack, very slack.
Posted on 01/12/2003 at 09:46:32 by MakTheYakAnother Slack comic. First in a little while, I'll admit. Anyway, I had a totally hectic weekend with marsh wading and entertaining and haveing to do all those menial tasks that just get in the way of interesting stuff, like renewing tax discs on the car and that sort of thing. Expensive things. Bah.
Well the interesting thing about this Slack the Yak spectacular is that it's the beginning of a little Christmas "thing" I'm going to do. I'm putting the BOB story on hold until after Christmas, and I'm going to draw a few strips using charaters from all the strips, but file them under Mak The Yak as they will be taking place at his house (where Slack arrived this week). Should be good so keep coming back and checking for the latest strip!
This piccy to the right is my tree which I put up tonight. It's a very bad pic because it's taken on my phone which is awful. But never mind you get the idea. Roz will testify that it's quite nice really!
Well that's all I can come up with for now. If I think of anything else interesting I'll be sure to post it up here! Woo!
My Christmas Tree!

What? No archives?
Posted on 24/11/2003 at 08:35:24 by MakTheYakOK well some of you may have noticed that the site looks slightly different... A plusses to all of you! I've changed the layout a bit and made it so each comic has its own subdirectory off the main domain. In English, that means that to get to the Bob's Your Uncle section of the site you just need to type instead of all those ?'s, ='s and &'s! Don't I just make your life so easy?
You will find, unfortunately, that any bookmarks you might have on TheYakShack will now all point to the front page. You'll just have to make them again, if they were pointing to a specific comic. You will also find that unless you manualy type the name of the comic after the main URL you can't access the archives. FEAR NOT! I will put links to each comic on the front page very soon. It's all in good hands :)
In other news, I bought my first Christmas Tree on Saturday. It's kinda cool cos I got to choose all the decorations and everything. I'm refusing to put it up until December but when I do I'll post a pic in this news section. It's a fake tree which I'm kinda annoyed about because I love the smell of a real tree but it was really cheap and looks really nice for the price. It's SIX FEET TALL! My place is kind of small so we'll just have to see how it fits in. Either way that's another good reason to get a fake tree because cleaning up pine needles is a pain normally but when you can't get everywhere with a vacuum cleaner I just know I'll be finding pine needles everywhere for months after...
Right well that's me done. Before I go, a big HI! to my friend Lucian who is a good way through a six month round the world trip. Sounds like he's having the most amazing time and I'm totally jealous! I'll be first round to see the photos mate!

Guest strip time!
Posted on 20/11/2003 at 10:58:30 by MakTheYakThanks right, I've done another guest strip. Tim Andress over at Bug and Slug has had his computer fried by a power surge and so I thought he could do with a helping hand, comic-wise. Go check it out!