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News Is Here!

Posted on 26/01/2004 at 17:23:51 by MakTheYak
Here's a newsflash for you - 3 are rubbish. So are NTL. Oh wait, you already knew that? Fair enough. NTL are making my connection go slow again and the biggest non-surprise of all their webmail is slow and useless and times out the whole time.
3... well this time I guess it's my fault really. The rubbish phone I was supplied with for my hard earned notes has one of those rubber socket proctector things. Right over the charging socket. So as you can imagine it gets opened quite a bit as the battery only lasts about 23.5 minutes if you're lucky. Due to all this excessive opeing it has expanded and so when pushed into the recess it should snugly occupy it arches up like an angry cat. So I had the smart idea to hack a bit off the end to make it lie flat again. I literally shaved about half a millimeter off the end and now it refuses to stay shut sticking out of the phone at roughly a 45 degree angle. So it is currently being held down by a rather distasteful piece of yellow insulating tape. Oh yeah that looks good.
Well you might be wondering where the Pirates are... I'll tell you, o faithful reader. Ther are postponed till Wednesday. That's not because I was lazy and didn't do one, that's because I figured I'd have 2 update days to draw the punters in :D
So check back on Wednesday for the Pirates and don't forget, if you like my comics, vote me up with those pretty little buttons in the top right. Thanks a million...


Ahoy maties!

Posted on 18/01/2004 at 22:26:15 by MakTheYak
OK! Firstly (but possibly not most importantly) I finally finished The Wind Waker on Gamecube. I took my time over it, yes. Now correct me if I'm wrong but was that last fight with Ganondorf the most lame and easy thing ever? I've heard people complain about the ending, but to be honest, it's not the ending I have a problem with. Well I did, but that was only because I was still reeling from how easy it was to win the final battle. The actual ending wasn't too bad. The only other major gripe I have with the game is that there weren't enough dungeons. A bunch of good dungeons can make a Zelda game. Too much sailing and winching up treasures and not enough dungeons. Otherwise, however, a very fine game with fine graphics and a fine soundtrack.
Right! Onto my next game backlogged: Kingdom Hearts!
Now from pirates in a game to a different set of pirates. I'm thinking of doing a comic strip about a bunch of pirates. I've designed a few of the characters already and drawn the first strip. Click to see the strip.
Sorry if it's a bit random, but that's just a something that will become a bit clearer if it takes off. That's the art style. Not colour, but in black and white. The simpler style would hopefully mean I could update it twice a week and it makes it easier to print too! Please tell me what you think in the forum cos I really want to know!
Other headlines include me getting Donkey Konga!! For the uninitiated, Donkey Konga is Nintendo's first reply to the Dancing Game phenomenon which has come to somewhat of a head recently. It's a pair of bongos with a mic and you bongo along to the music and clap into the mic, all the time trying to keep in perfect synch with the song. It's only available in Japanese at the moment with the english version coming out early summer, but it's so much damn fun that it doesn't matter! You don't need to speak Japanese to play it. Sorted! Buy it from Lik Sang (using the link above. It's the best online store for import games and accessories) and if you don't have one already get a freeloader or an action replay so you can play import games. Well worth it.
Lastly, I updated the links section by removing some webcomics which I think have become stale or have stopped updating, and also adding some more which I've discovered which rock!
Well that's it, I'll let you get off to whatever you were doing before you started reading this... oh and don't forget to let me know what you think about the comic!!


This is a headline

Posted on 12/01/2004 at 00:02:29 by MakTheYak
Well, it's been requested and just to prove I'm a nice guy I have now put up an entire archive of Cyber Pub. All the CP episodes ever drawn are now up on the web for everyone to see. Start at the start and work your way forwards. Some of the words are slightly different than originally, but that's because I thought I could make it funnier. Which I hope it is!
Haven't really got much else to report apart from the fact that Top Web Comics is back up so you can vote away to your hearts content, and what's more there is a vote incentive... vote and you get a little prize! You'll see :D Eventually I'll draw some more and you'll get a random vote incentive. So that's something to look forward to...
Saw ROTK again. I think it's better the second time around as the first time you desperately trying to take it all in. The second time you can actually sit back and enjoy it. Still a top film. If you haven't seen it already, you must. It is the law!


Get your hiking boots on...

Posted on 31/12/2003 at 01:49:47 by MakTheYak
...and hike on over to!! This is the new webcomic site by my colleague and friend John Uff, who is a great artist so go check it out now!!
Oh yeah and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Make some good resolutions and try and choose ones you can keep easily - it makes you feel better even if it isn't as rewarding.
Check for a new comic on Sunday....
13 O'Clock Logo


Meeeerry Christmas!

Posted on 26/12/2003 at 10:04:07 by MakTheYak
Well I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas. I certainly did! Get everything you ever wanted? Hmmm, no me neither, but a yacht doesn't fit too well into a stocking! What I did get was very cool - a brand new graphics tablet, Eye Toy Groove the dancing game for the new PS2 camera, some DVDs, a music book for Ben Folds Five, a nice sleeping bag, a jumper (sweater to my American friends) (always a good present!) and various other bits and pieces :).
My thoughts go out to my good friend Lucian (I mentioned him before, he was doing a very cool sounding world trip), as sadly I attended his fathers funeral on Monday. I'm thinking of you, and I'm truely sorry mate. Just remember I'm here is you ever need to talk.
Who has heard Busted's rendition of "Hark the Herald Angels Sing"? I for one think it rocks and want to know why they didn't release it as a Christmas #1 contender. I mean Gary Jules' "Mad World" is a very nice song and all (although very overplayed) but it's hardly Christmas material. What happened to the likes of Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree? Here It Is Merry Christmas? Man those songs rock but we need some new stuff to play at Christmas.
Anyway, I'm going off to eat some more rich Christmas food! Yummy! Laters...

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