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Warp Pipe is go!

Posted on 25/02/2004 at 19:27:35 by MakTheYak
First things first...
Now. Warp pipe. Anyone with a Gamecube and Mario Kart should get this! It's an amazing program which lets you play GameCube LAN games over the internet, rather than having to get all your mates round with their Cubes and their tellys. There are currently 3 games which you can play like this: Mario Kart, 1080 Avalanche and Kirby's Air Ride. Of course to connect you will need a broadband connection, some way of hooking up your GameCube to you internet connection and the all important Broadband Adaptor for the cube. Don't have one? Didn't think so. They're kind of hard to find. Apart from at Play Asia. So go buy one and play me at Mario Kart. I'll even let you win ;) Seriously though if you've got this setup then post it in the forum so we can get some gamage going on!
I hope everyone had some lovely juicy pancakes yesterday. I know I did and now it's lent and according to tradition I have given up chocolate. Imagine that, no chocolate until Easter! Argh! Well I thought it may as well try and eat really healty at the same time and see if I can lose some weight. It's worth a try...
Oh yeah last of all I have made a cool little animated Flash slideshow for work all about Chad the monkey and his Strangler figs. I'm pretty proud of it and I'm told it's quite funny! Check it out here!


Lazy, so damn lazy

Posted on 19/02/2004 at 11:49:01 by MakTheYak
Well not really. The reason I haven't managed to do a Pirate strip this week is because I spent my time making a Pirate GBA skin. It took almost as long as a regular strip and so I shall show you that instead.
So as you can see, the folks from the Pirate crew have colours! Of course you will see that every 7th strip but we're not quite there yet. Also you can see that I have thought of a provisional name for the strip: "Three Sheets To The Wind". I'm not sure how catchy that is but it can always be changed. If you think you can do better, you can always give me your ideas in the Forum. All ideas are greatly appreciated.
Other ideas for a name I came up with were "Shiver Me Timbers", "Bilge Water" and plain and simple "Pyrates!".
If you are feeling let down by the lack of mid-week comicary, you could always go check out the guest strip I drew for Brian Maze over at Freak Central and whilst you're there you can check out his excellent comic if you're not already familiar with it.
OK so I caught up on DVDage this week with the arrival of my long pre-ordered copy of Red Dwarf series 4. Two disc spectacular with over 200 minutes of special features, and the commentaries over the episodes are pretty funny. I haven't watched the special features yet but as expected the quality of the episodes is great. A top quality product and a must for any fan.
Also new on my DVD shelf is "The Lion King 3". Seriously, you ask? It's another cash in, right? Well yes obviously, but it's actually rather good. If you were disappointed with "Lion King 2: Simba's Pride" then this will be quite refreshing. Dispensing with the 'no human influence' thing that made the first film so unique, this film smashes the 4th wall into smitherines and puts Timon and Pumbaa in charge of the remote. It tells the story of the Lion King from their point of view and gives away a lot of Timon's background. What makes this film so funny, however, is the way in which the creators have twisted events which happened in the original film and shown that our outcast heros had a major part in what would otherwise have seemed to be a Timon and Pumbaa free scene!
I don't think it would work so well if you haven't seen the original film a few times over but hey - that must be like... 2 people? Anyway, it gets a big thumbs up from me, especially as it has a catchy new song to go with it! Hooray!
Don't forget to check back on Sunday for Bob's Your Uncle...


Gluemeat: The Return!

Posted on 12/02/2004 at 22:06:26 by MakTheYak
Well anyone who has checked out Gluemeat from my Links section recently will know that not a lot has been happening around there. Well sadly, the author and creator Case Yorke has been having a very rough time over the past month or so. He was in a serious car accident and did his back in and while he has been recovering he has lost a fair number of friends and relatives.
While we can hardly blame him for not updating for a little while, I am glad to be able to announce that he will be returning to the internet for a grand reappearance on March 1st, hence this funky flashy banner:
Gluemeat - go visit!

If you aren't a regular Gluemeat reader, check out the extensive archives while you wait for March 1st!
OK! It's Pirate time...
Hope you like. Sorry it's a bit late - no excuse really. Just didn't get round to it.
Well today it was the 5 year and 6 month anniversary since Roz and I have been going out! Isn't that great? In retrospect I should have asked her out on the 14th August so it would have landed on Valentines day, but what can you do, eh? Makes booking a table a lot easier I can tell you!
I've played and completed Metroid: Zero Mission on the GBA. It's a short game but it's so great, you could easily play right through it again and to get all the power ups, I mean all 100% of them... you'd have to be some kind of genuis! Very slick, very smooth, very playable. Sound is atmospheric and fits perfectly. If you're a Metroid fan you'll love it, if not try it and you might be converted!
Anyway, so I got my water bill the other day. I cannot believe how much they want to rip me off for just for water! Honestly! And they never said anything about the hidden extra - sewage. They are actually charging me more for sewer maintenance than for water! Can you believe that! And I only signed up for water in the first place. Honestly, these people will try and get you for anything. Next they'll want to charge me to watch TV... hehehe...
If any TV license people are reading this I have paid, honest! It was a J-O-K-E...



Pirates on the menu

Posted on 03/02/2004 at 23:42:08 by MakTheYak
Click for piratey goodness!
"Pistol" Pete you met a week ago. Now I'd like to introduce you to Keith the ships cook. His food is awful so you wouldn't want to eat it even if he did bother to make it.
In other news this week.. not a lot happening really. I added The Fray and The Zoo to the links page, as they are very cool and well drawn comics. Respect. Aside from that things carry on as normal. Work, life, all of that.
I'm eagerly anticipating the release of Metroid: Zero Mission. For the uninitiated, this will be a remake of the original NES Metroid, except it won't be because they changed the map and the gameplay and made it longer. But you know what? I don't care! It's going to rock either way! Bring it on...


Pirates ahoy (again)!

Posted on 28/01/2004 at 10:44:27 by MakTheYak
OK well here's the new Pirates strip!
Pop over and tell me what you think at the Forum cos I'm dying to know! If you're not signed up at the forum then sign up now! It's free (of course) and I won't spam you. Promise.
Yay, it snowed today. Amazing. I was out and I saw a bunch of snow creatures. I say creatures cos the coolest thing I saw was a snow CAT! Very cool indeed, in every possible way. I'll post a pic if I can get one at lunch break :)
OK so by now I suppose everyone who is interested has heard about the Nintendo DS. If not, here are my thoughts. OK the DS (stands for Dual Screen) is going to be a portable device. But it's not going to replace the Gameboy (or so they say). I'm not sure what to think about that. The only way they could make it NOT replace the GBA is to make it worse than the GBA in some way, or make sure it's not backwards compatible with the GBA (but of course it's not the successor and so the term backwards compatible doesn't really apply here...). What it WILL need to be is sleek (like the SP), have a good 3D chip on it, have a beatifully high res pair of screens and also it will probably need some sort of gimmick to make it stick out above the rest better. OK ok so it has 2 screens (vertically aligned, if you were wondering). But that alone won't do as a lot of people will think it's just weird. It'll need some kind of MP3 player or radio or something. Because that's what the consumer market wants these days. I'm guilty too - I'm sure I've played more DVDs on my PS2 than games.
What I'm really trying to say (although I don't think I made it that clear) is that I hope Nintendo doesn't mess this up and the DS become another Virtual Boy. I'm pretty sure I'll be getting a DS, my little piece of Nintendo history. Nintendo make games and that's all they're interested in. Good for them. They're bloody good at it. No other games systems have as high a ratio of QUALITY games. I just hope everyone else will see it that way...

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