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Marmaduke overload

Posted on 05/04/2007 at 23:16:03 by MakTheYak

How thoughtless of me! I forgot to post the previous Marmaduke strip and so now if you've been following the news and not the comics you'll be blissfully unaware.

First update
Second update

How delightful!

Hope everyone has a happy Easter. Don't eat too much chocolate (ha!).



Sigur Ros

Posted on 03/04/2007 at 22:26:29 by MakTheYak

...or Siggeros, Sigguros, Sigoros, Sigoross, Siggeross, Sigguross, Zigeross, Zigguros... the list could go on. The name is actually Sigur Ros. You might, like I have, heard this band on the radio but when they say their name not known how the heck to spell it. Well after some research, that's how. Sigur Ros. They're a band from Iceland and their song 'Hoppipolla' from the album 'Takk' will be familiar to most people who watch TV, having been used as the soundtrack to a channel sting (I can't remember which channel but I'm pretty sure it's 4).

Anyway, check it out. It's an amazing piece of music!



Garage Band

Posted on 01/04/2007 at 14:49:11 by MakTheYak

I've been playing around with Garage Band for the Mac today - it's good fun just messing with all the different guitar effects! No amps or peddles required! Unfortunately it just demonstrates how crappy at guitar I am, and doesn't make making music as easy as the guy in the Apple store made it look. I guess a bit of practise is required... as it is with anything you want to be good at.

It's a shame when you come to realise these truths because you realise at the same time that of all the things you want to become good at, you're never going to have time to practise them all and also carry on making a living. Isn't it a pain how you have to prioritise? It's like being in pre-video times and being forced to choose between your two favourite shows!

Anyway, there's another Marmaduke strip up. I'm looking forward to getting past the strips where I basically just copied Garfield strips because then I'll feel less uncomfortable about posting them!



Tired and gamed out

Posted on 16/03/2007 at 01:01:40 by MakTheYak

Just had an evening of fun and games with my friend Rich, playing video games and eating pizza. Awesome! You've gotta have a break occasionally and tonight was our night for that.

Now it's way past when I should be in bed and so what better to do than to add another Marmaduke comic? Nothing, that's what. Have hope for the weekend, I might just keep this crazy update scheduled up!



More Marmaduke

Posted on 11/03/2007 at 12:11:30 by MakTheYak

OK OK I know. It took long enough. Well I've been very busy with work and stuff and the only reason I'm doing this is because I'm waiting for a large ftp upload to finish. I promise I'll try and be more regular from now on though. Promise!

So the next page of Marmaduke is available. Although if you were subscribed to the newsletter or RSS feed you'd know that already ;)

I got Sonic and the Secret Rings for the Wii which is very cool. I mean REALLY cool. The speed is back. You know, the speed that the old Megadrive games had but which were lost in subsequent 3D outings. Until now. It's a sort of "on rails" affair so if you leave the controller alone he just runs. You control the left-right motion and the jumps. It sounds kind of tame but it's really really fun. I haven't got as far as my friend Rich but from what I hear it only gets cooler. Click the link above and get it now if you haven't already!!

Until next time...


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