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Quick Monday update

Posted on 25/09/2007 at 07:06:37 by MakTheYak

...oh. It's Tuesday? Must have missed out a day back there! Never mind, eh? What's a day between friends?

Marmaduke educates the Dogs...



The weekend... has arrived!

Posted on 22/09/2007 at 10:52:47 by MakTheYak

And with it comes two new Marmaduke strips, the first of which can be found here!

UPDATE: And the second of which is right here!

Nothing much planned for the weekend. I shall hopefully start running again. I think I've been losing a bit of weight just by eating less and so if I can combine that with a bit of exercise then surely the pounds will just start dropping off! Worth a shot!



To be, or not to be - that is the question

Posted on 21/09/2007 at 06:56:55 by MakTheYak

We've got tickets! Yep you guessed it - it's to Hamlet at the Royal Shakespeare Company. Also exciting is that both David Tennant (Dr Who) and Patrick Stewart (Capt. Jean Luk Picard, as if I needed to tell you) are going to be in it. Awesome!

In which Marmaduke meets The Dogs.



Unseasonal Ho Ho Hos

Posted on 20/09/2007 at 07:10:06 by MakTheYak

Ahoy, shipmates! I mean- hello and good morning. One must respect the boundaries of TLAPD, after all. I've got a festive themed Marmaduke for you (think Christmassey thoughts). Hooray!



YARRR! It be Talk Like A Pirate Day 2007!

Posted on 19/09/2007 at 06:43:44 by MakTheYak

Ahoy me hearties! An' welcome t'another Talk Like a Pirate Day! Arrrrr! I be hopin' ye will talk like a pirate to all yer friends an' shipmates an' if they look at ye funny then why not be recruitin' them on the spot? Force 'em teh talk like a pirate or walk the plank, the scurvy blaggards!

I be havin' a not particularly piratey comic for ye... I hopes ye enjoy it. If ye don't, I'll run ye through! YARRRR!


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